So, what do you guys think about the chapter? Make sure to read the chapter above before reading below!
For me... King has always been a badass. He has rarely struggled against any enemy, even Ban or Guila. Diane was almost able to defeat Helbraum with Gideon, so I think that Helbraum doesn't have a chance against Chastiefol.
HOWEVER.... WHAT. WHO REALLY IS HELBRAUM? Pretty obvious now that he isn't just a regular man or a regular Holy Knight. He has a much deeper history. If I had to guess, it looks like he's a Fairy.
WELL. That was a pretty amazing chapter. Next chapter, I'm guessing it'll be a showdown between Helbraum and King.
I figured Helbram was a fairy considering his shapeshifting abilities and his history with King. Non the less though, I'm very glad to see that his true power can match a great holy knight since byzel made him seem somewhat much weaker than one.
His new form is pretty cool too but I really want to know more about his backstory. Should be really interesting and I think we'll get some of it next chapter.
King was really great too. Loved all the scenes with him from him shedding tears while punching Hausers armor to going kill mode on Helbram.
It was a great chapter, but somehow doubt Helbram is a Fairy. Helbram seem to be different from the other Fairies like King and Elaine, my guess he is a Pixies instead since they are kind of the darker version of Fairy!